Shota Mochizuki
Shota Mochizuki (Shizuoka,Japan)
website:Shota Mochizuki MySpace
バイオグラフィ (日本語):
2008年カタール人プロデューサーのAbdul Bayyariとともに”Walking Beatz Remix”をUSの”GF Recordings”からリリース、
また2008年オランダ人プロデューサーMaron・Fady Ferraye、アメリカ人ボーカリストJosh Money、
制作活動を共にしているAbdul Bayyariら5人と”Yeild”を結成。
“Believe the Way”をリリース。
後にリリースする楽曲制作をメインに活動。Josh Moneyをボーカルに迎えた楽曲も作成。
この時にUK女性ボーカリスト、Tiff Laceyに出会いコラボレーション。
2010年5月に縁あってイギリスのレーベル”Enhanced Recordings”より”All up in my head”をリリース。
この年DJ Tatanaの楽曲を歌っていた”Florian”とのコラボレーションが実現。
また2010年にはGALAXY RECZのKOHSUKE氏と出会い、今回のRemixの制作を行う。
今後もTiff Laceyとの曲などがリリース予定。
Biography (English):
He is from Shizuoka.
In 2008, I released my first work “Walking Beatz Remix” from an US label “GF Recordings”
with Abdul Bayyari, a producer from Qatar.
A lot of my remixes are released from this label after that.
“Eurovox” got 12th position in progressive chart at Audiojelly.
I also made my group, “Yeild” with Maron・Fady Ferraye, a producer from Netherland,
An American vocalist, Josh Money and Abdul Bayyari who creates music together.
We released “Believe the Way”, and it was 58th position in progressive chart at Audiojelly.
In 2009, we also released two remixes.
After that, my main work was producing taracks.
Josh Money participated some of these pieces as a vocalist.
I also had collaborated with Tiff Lacey from UK.
In May of 2010, I could release “All up in my head” from UK label, “Enhanced Recordings”.
In this year, collaboration work with “Florian” who sing a track by DJ Tatana,
and it is under preparation for release.
Many DJs from overseas use my tracks in their Mix CDs.
A piece with Tiff Lacey will released soon.
[Shota Mochizuki's interview]:31 May. 2011
== Discography ==
Tomoyuki Sakakida – Furaibow (Shota Mochizuki Remix) – GALAXY RECZ 025 :28.05.2011