Edu Imbernon’s interview

Posted by KOHSUKE under INTERVIEWS (No Respond)

1, What was the trigger for you to begin producing music and to be a DJ?
1, DJや音楽活動を始めたきっかけは?

[Edu Imbernon]
The first trigger was when my friend and I decided to go see what ibiza was all about and we went to amnesia which was the first time I went to a club.
After that I knew I wanted to get into djing and naturally I started to produce after two years of djing

2, How did you meet Coyu from SUARA?
2, SUARAのCoyuとはどんなきっかけで知り合ったの?

[Edu Imbernon]
Coyu and I were apart of the same online forum for electronic music and I used to send him my tracks because he had a label called A Typical Farm and we became friends through there.
We met in person for the first time when i was living in berlin and he needed a place to stay for 3 nights, so he came to stay with me and it was in those three days that we produced Baile Aleman together.
Coyuと友達になったきっかけは、彼とは同じelectronic musicオンラインフォーラムに参加していて、彼がその当時A Typical Farmというレーベルをやっていたのを知ったから、彼に僕のトラックを送ったんだ。
実際彼と初めて会ったのは、僕がベルリンに住んでいた頃で、彼が3泊でベルリンに来た際、泊まる所が無かったから僕の家に泊まったんだ。その時に出来た曲がBaile Alemanだよ。

3, What was the trigger of your success of becoming the Spanish top artist, international DJ at such young age?
3, また君達が若くしてSpainの若手Top Artist , International DJへとなっていったきっかけは?

[Edu Imbernon]
When our track Baile Aleman reached number one over all on beatport, and then taking that opportunity of having a number one and releasing on big labels and remixing big acts like The XX and Maya Jane Coles.
きっかけは、僕らのトラックBaile AlemanがBeatportの総合チャートで1位を取って、そのチャンスから有名なレーベルからリリースをしたり、The XXやMaya Jane Coleら有名なアーティストの楽曲のリミックスをしたことかな。

4, What kind of equipment do you use to make tracks? Also, what kind of equipment do you use for DJing? And why is that?
4, どんな機材を使って楽曲制作を行っていますか?

[Edu Imbernon]
I mainly use plugins with the help of some external synthesizers like access virus TI for producing.
When djing I use traktor with an ipad and two guitar pedal fx.
楽曲制作の時は、Access Virus TIなど外部シンセサイザーを使用しながら、プラグインを主に使っているよ。
DJの時は、TraktorをipadとGuitar pedal fx二つを併用しながらPLAYしてるよ。

5, As it says in your biography, your tracks have the wide variety such as blended taste of Electronica, House and Indie, Funky Tech House and sometimes Progressive. We can experience the diversity of the crossover sound.
Where do you get your inspiration when making tracks and Djing?
5, あなたのトラックはバイオグラフィーにもあるように、Electronica、House、Indieをブレンドしたテイストや、時にFunkyなTech House, あるいは時にProgressiveとすごく多様性があり、クロスオーバー性を感じます。

[Edu Imbernon]
I would say my influences come from as far back as my childhood with listening to bands like depeche mode, new order etc and I also get influenced with every day life, places I go, people im surrounded by, the weather is a big one for me too, I love a hot summers day.
僕が影響されたものと言えば、古いものから行け幼少時代に聞いていた、Depeche modeやNew orderなどのバンドからも来ているよ。

6, Eklektisch and Fayer would be your index for creation of your label and music activities, what are the precise differences for the two labels? What are the concepts for each of the labels?
6, EklektischとFayerはあなたのレーベル、音楽活動の指標として創り上げていく物だと思いますが具体的にはどんな違いがありますか?

[Edu Imbernon]
Eklektisch is the first label I started and its more focused on dancefloor music. Fayer my new label is more focused on electronica and will be focused on releasing big names.
Eklektischは、僕が立ち上げた最初のレーベルで、よりDance floor寄りの音楽にフォーカスしているんだ。新しいレーベルのFayerでは、Electronicaにフォーカスしていて、有名なアーティストにもリリースしてもらうことにも注力しているよ。

7, What is future DJ and release schedule?
7, 今後のDJスケジュールやリリース予定は?

[Edu Imbernon]
This upcoming Asia tour for one.
Its my first time in Japan, Singapore and Bali so really looking forward to it.
Then the rest of the summer I have a very busy schedule with playing around 12 dates a month and playing at great festivals an great clubs and returning back to Ibiza around every two weeks.

As we speak, I just released my ep ‘your rules’ on Suara and another ep ‘fading dawn’ will be released on the 30th of June on Culprit LA.
Also the first record for my new label Fayer will see the light on the 14th of July, it has three remixes one of which I remixed.

リリースについては、今まさにSuara から僕のEP ‘your rules’をリリースしたばかりで、もうひとつCulprit LAから6月30日にEP ’fading down’もリリースされるよ。

8, What is your favorite venue which you have played before? Also, which gig outside of Spain was most inspiring to you?
8, これまでの活動で一番のお気に入りのVenueはどこ? またスペイン以外のGIGではどこが一番刺激的でしたか?

[Edu Imbernon]
Warung and Amazon in Brazil are probably the nicest venues I have played.
My most inspiring gig outside of Spain would probably be Truth, Johannesburg, South Africa.

9, Would this be your first time visiting Japan (including as a tourist)? What do you look forward the most for this WOMB Tokyo, Japan tour?
9, 日本に来るのは今回が始めて(プライベートを含めて)?今回のWOMB TOKYO , Japanツアーでは何を楽しみにしている?

[Edu Imbernon]
As mentioned before it will be my first time yes, and I look forward to experiencing a new culture and seeing how they party that side of the world.
Japanese food is one of my favourites so really looking forward to eating authentic Japanese food too.

10, Lastly, please give your Japanese fans a message for this Japan tour.
10, 最後にこの度のジャパンツアー開催に向けて、読者のみなさんにメッセージをお願いします。

[Edu Imbernon]
Get your dancing shoes ready :)
ダンスシューズの用意はいいかい? :)


get your name on the guest list this party!!
please contact to

C-les Stream presents [the voice] -Nobuyuki Tokunaga a.k.a Conures & Shingo Nakamura!!

Posted by KOHSUKE under INTERVIEWS (No Respond)

C-les Stream presents [the voice] -Nobuyuki Tokunaga a.k.a Conures & Shingo Nakamura

Nicolas Masseyeff’s interview

Posted by KOHSUKE under INTERVIEWS (No Respond)

1, What inspired you to become a DJ and to create music?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
It was in 1989, when i heard for the first time some electronic music, it blowed me away !!! i was looking at this time for some tape with this music, it was really hard to get, so i started to buy some vinyls, and then i got into mixing really fast after i bought my first technics.
In a few years i started djing for some parties in my city…. Few years later i bought my first sampler, synths and drum machines and started doing music on my own, i was working at night during the week, when i had time , because my record store was taking all my time… and naturally after few years, my first records came out.

2, What are the reasons for you to title your debut album “The Motherland”? You have also noted in your biography that “The Motherland: itʼs an odyssey into the manʼs mind, featuring twists and turns, blissful sections and joie de vivre, but also melancholia and sorrow, just like in his life; just like in your life…”, where did the inspiration came from?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
The motherland is a place where i wanted to define my own world, … as everybody.

3, What kind of instruments do you use when you create music?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
In my studio, you can find analog gears that i bought years ago like TR909, Micro Modular, JX8P, JUNO 60, etc and some computers… I use Logic and Ableton… i really love some plugins like Arturia, Kontakt, Waves, Universal Audio… i mean you can do everything that you have in your head with those gears….
I love the way how we can create music now in 2013

4, From your tracks and mixes, we can feel the wide range of musicality with tracks such as Wiebel remix centering dark taste tech house which enhances the piano sounds and Survival Instinct remix released from SUARA which is inorganic progressive track.
When you create tracks and when you DJ, where do you get your inspiration from? Also, what are your “Must” for your DJ play?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
To be honest, when i m in the studio, inspiration comes to me when i start working… i try to do something different each time (i mean for the main idea), it s not really easy to do.i guess you can feel all my influences in my tracks or in my dj sets… i was a big fan of detroit music years ago, and i still have this imprint in my mind… and i really love also the groove tracks so i try to combine both in my tracks and in my dj sets, it can be dark or happy but it is always telling a story to the listeners. I don’t have really a “Must” for my dj set… the most important thing for me is to feel the dance floor , and try to bring them in my music world.

5, What are your vision and prospects for the future?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
Actually i have no time to produce own music much as i m working also for some other artists on some projects…. But in the near future i will go back to my studio to work on some new tracks, i ve have few ideas in mind… i would love to also work on a new album, but it has to wait 2014 for this.

6, What do you look forward to the most in the Japan tour?

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
it is a dream come true for me to go to Japan, i m really curious about the japanese electronic scene, i have heard so many good things about japan. all my dj friends have told me that the audience is awesome !!! that parties are amazing !!!! so i m really looking forward to party there with you guys!!!

7, Lastly, please give the Japanese readers a message for the Japan tour.

[Nicolas Masseyeff]
Let ‘s party and have fun all together for the love of the music !!!!!!
See you at SAIKO BEACH !!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you!
Best regards,

Japanese is here.