Shota Mochizuki’s interview
Interviewer:Noriyuki Hashimoto、Tomoyuki Sakakida
Interviewee:Shota Mochizuki
[Noriyuki Hashimoto]
Please kindly meke self-introduction.
[Shota Mochizuki]
My name is Shota Mochizuki, and I’m from Shizuoka.
In 2008, I released my first work “Walking Beatz Remix” from an US label “GF Recordings”
with Abdul Bayyari, a producer from Qatar.
A lot of my remixes are released from this label after that.
“Eurovox” got 12th position in progressive chart at Audiojelly.
I also made my group, “Yeild” with Maron・Fady Ferraye, a producer from Netherland,
An American vocalist, Josh Money and Abdul Bayyari who creates music together.
We released “Believe the Way”, and it was 58th position in progressive chart at Audiojelly.
In 2009, we also released two remixes.
After that, my main work was producing taracks.
Josh Money participated some of these pieces as a vocalist.
I also had collaborated with Tiff Lacey from UK.
In May of 2010, I could release “All up in my head” from UK label, “Enhanced Recordings”.
In this year, collaboration work with “Florian” who sing a track by DJ Tatana,
and it is under preparation for release.
Many DJs from overseas use my tracks in their Mix CDs.
A piece with Tiff Lacey will released soon.
[Noriyuki Hashimoto]
What is your concept on track making?
Who did you have effect from?
[Shota Mochizuki]
There are so many artists who have effect on me.
Music of various genre is stimulative for me as well as dance music.
Speaking of remix work, I try to make my taste in the remix, and at the same time I intend to remain the good point of the original. I also care about DJ’s play.
Maintain the mood of the original is the most important for my remix.
When I make original pieces, I image what I want to make roughly to start.
What I imagine are a scenery or people who seem to be having fun with my track at club and so on.
What comes up in my mind are really different every time, so I do not know what I will imagine next time.
I would like to say that my way of music produce is common.
[Noriyuki Hashimoto]
Could you please tell us about what you feel and what you express in your music and titles?
What is your appeal point?
[Shota Mochizuki]
Every time, I try to make a new expression or different sound from what I already made.
I think music made by a person tends to sound same way, and that is why I try to make a different one.
I always to listen various kinds of music intentionally, and I also try to create a change one by one.
I will keep my method form now on as I always do.
Speaking of titles, I would like to talk about “All up in my head.”
I wanted to make progressive music with force because our team,
3 different color people from different countries had some issues at that time.
We think there are somany people who struggle with their problem as us.
We want cheer them up with pur dance music.
Of course we want our music to be played by many DJs, so we asked 2 remixes.
It is wonderful if our listener sympathize with our music content or titles and feel what they feel when they enjoy music at club.
[Noriyuki Hashimoto]
Do you have any pains on production?
[Shota Mochizuki]
I have lots of difficulties on track making, but the hardest is making time to work.
I also do recording and PA, so making time is the most difficult for me.
Of course I enjoy all of my work related with music, but making dance music is most enjoyable and favorite for me.
[Tomoyuki Sakakida]
Nice to meet you, this is Tomoyuki Sakakida.
Thank you for your remix of my piece.
I think all track maker has admiration or competitive mind which motivate your creation.
Could you tell me what is yours?
[Shota Mochizuki]
Of course I have admiration.
However, I would say my motivation comes from just how I feel like “I like dance music!” or “Making tracks is fun!”
I know not so many people listen my music, but people at somewhere in the world enjoy my works at club or at home.
It is wonderful if they think my pieces are great and sympathize something with me.
I keep my mind from now on and keep making tracks listened by many prople.
[Noriyuki Hashimoto]
If you have any, please kindly give closing message.
[Shota Mochizuki]
I am so happy for this remix opportunity.
This is my first solo work and first release form Japanese label, so this piece is very special.
I appreciate Mr. KOHSUKE to give this chance.
I hope lots of people enjoy the original and remix “Furaibow”
Thank you.
Japanese is here.