Katsuyuki Taguchi
Posted by KOHSUKE on 2010/01/04 – 21:03
Katsuyuki Taguchi (Tokyo,Japan)
website:Katsuyuki Taguchi MySpace
Biography (English):
Katsuyuki Taguchi is another minimal techno wonder to put out a song on Asian Dynasty Record(http://www.asiandynasty.net/)’s comp, “Perfect Strangers Electronic” in 2006.
After that he released “colors EP” through the Spain’s most minimal influenced Label Antiritmo(http://antiritmo.com/).
In 2008 he won the best production prize for a contest run by antennasounds.com and started his own labeled called AN(http://www.anmusic.net/) in October.
== Discography ==
DJ M-TRAXXX – Universal Dance (Katsuyuki Taguchi Remix) – GALAXY RECZ 017 :25th.Sep.2010