Tomoyuki Sakakida / Furaibow (Blue)
“Furaibow” , the latest piece by Tomoyuki Sakakida who grows own sound through tons of remix.
An aggresive and uncontrollable trance track with unique oriental mood created by Tomoyuki.
We got 13 Japanese creators who succeed in various fields as remixers, and remix will be explosion of their attractive tastes.
Their remix must fill floor with happy cheers.
We release two title at the same time, “Original Mix” whose powerful base-line accelerate elevation and “Uplift Mix” which is more aggresive and lighter sounds.
数々のリミックスワークを経て更にそのサウンドに磨きをかけたTomoyuki Sakakidaが贈る渾身の最新作、「Furaibow」!!
高揚感を煽るパワフルなベースラインが特徴のOriginal Mixと
軽快かつより攻撃的なUplift Mixの2タイトル同時リリース!
Release Date: 28.05.2011
Artist: Tomoyuki Sakakida
Tittle: Furaibow (Blue)
Format: Digital (Beatport,juno download,iTunes Store, etc..)
Cat.No: GLXY026
Photo by Tomoyuki Sakakida
Design by MIZUKI
01.Furaibow (Uplift Mix)
02.Furaibow (June-Voice Remix)
03.Furaibow (SW a.k.a. Shingo Oka Remix)
04.Furaibow (Yugo Hashimoto Remix)
05.Furaibow (Mari Shimamura Remix)
06.Furaibow (shintaro Remix)
07.Furaibow (Izu Remix)
08.Furaibow (Amaoh Dubstep Mix)
A – Z
AKI Amano
Good melodies:)
Cage Miura
Like Dubstep track!
Darin Epsilon (Perspectives)
Shintaro and Mari Shimamura mixes are sounding amazing!
Will consider for my May chart, thanks for sending.
Hope all is well in Japan.
DJ M-TRAXXX (Miami/Orlando,Florida)
all mixes r supa-hot!!! really dig the (Yugo Hashimoto Remix) & the (Uplift Mix) DJ M-TRAXXX (Miami)
Ferry Corsten (Flashover Recordings)
downloading for Ferry, Furaibow (Amaoh Dubstep Mix) is good. if he supports we’ll let you know!
Jaytech (Anjuna Deep)
Izu Remix
Keisuke Kanomata (varium)
Good Remixes.
Kel Sweeney (UK)
The dubstep sound is really working for me at the moment so it made it straight into the box.
Something for all floors, with some great production and musical content!
Kenji Sekiguchi (Otographic Music)
June-Voice Remix is for me.
Mad Morello (Per-vurt Records)
Quality release for sure! Izu and Shintaro Remix for me, trance remixes are also nice, thanks.
Markus Schulz (Coldharbour Recordings)
will try thnks
Matt Doyle (Underphunk Digital)
Izu mix is funky if you’re into electro.
downloading for solarstone
Taka Sugimoto (Landscape / Anjuna World Wide)
thanks all time!
Tokiaki Yamamoto
Very cool beat!!